My Embarrassing Dream

Youning C - merry made spiritual gifts.jpg

Have you ever had an embarrassing dream? Perhaps it was a vision or desire that God put in your heart long ago but it just seemed a little too far-fetched? Or a passion that you have but never thought it could be a career? Or a dream that feels so out of reach because of the reality of your circumstances? 

I remember years ago, Jason asked me about my vision for No Other Name. I told him that I hope one day NON Jewelry can have a cozy shop in the city and there would be a small quiet room in the back for people to come to just make a quick prayer after a long exhausting day. Every day, we can all start the day with a prayer together and it would be like a refuge, a sanctuary for busy people in the city. Jason replied, “Hm, think again. Think of a more practical vision.” 

Honestly, I completely agreed with Jason. Considering the limited resources and finances I had, it would be impossible for NON Jewelry to have a storefront. 

Still, I vividly remember how exhausting it felt to work in the Big Apple, the city that never sleeps. New York is a city full of dreamers but reality can be so cold and challenging that it takes hard work every single day to not let your dreams die by night. I always dreamed of a place where I can just walk in, pray, and get spiritually refreshed— a safe place to meet, pray, and share the vision and talents God has given each of us with each other.

But, with reality before me, I turned my thoughts to focus on a different vision. A more practical vision. 

Thankfully, God never stops working, even when I gave up on the idea and felt embarrassed that I had such an unrealistic and unattainable notion. This past October, I was offered this incredible opportunity to gather a group of Christian artists, designers, entrepreneurs, and musicians together for an amazing holiday pop-up shop. In the back of the shop, there was a cozy little room. Then, that idea, that vision from long ago came back to me. 

Our dear friend Susan came to mind. She had recently started her own psychotherapy practice incorporating biblical teaching and prayer with a vision to serve, listen, encourage and love others well. I asked her if she would be interested in hosting therapy sessions in this little space and we can also use that room as a prayer room when it was available. She was really enthusiastic and expressed how amazing that would be if this could all work out.

Fast forward three weeks later: Merry Made has arrived! Our mission is to champion and connect local creatives with the community in a fun, festive holiday market. Merry Made functions as both an entrepreneurial support system and community gathering space showcasing gifts to remember. It all comes together as a space to create, cultivate and commune with one another. 

spiritual gifts

We are so proud and honored to be a part of this lovely community. On the morning of November 23rd, we had our grand opening and as we were all gathering together for the prayer ceremony, I just couldn't find the words to express all of the emotions I felt at that moment. All I can say is, God is so amazing. Nothing is impossible in Him. Who could have known that I would be given an opportunity like this? I was actually trying to get some freelance jewelry design jobs in October, but the door God opened for me instead was much more than I could have ever imagined. 

So friend, what’s your embarrassing dream? Lift that dream up to God in prayer again and know that you are not alone. Although as human beings, we are limited, but our Heavenly Father is not! He works in miraculous ways, for your good. 

You are His beloved child. 

Don’t ever give up.  

Cheering you on,
Youning C.

“Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us, Unto him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus throughout all ages, world without end. Amen.” Ephesians 3:20-21

Spiritual Gifts by No Other Name

Find No Other Name Jewelry at Merry Made! 

Merry Made Holiday Market | 50 N 6th St Brooklyn, NY 11249 | Open Thu-Sun 11 am-7 pm, Mon-Wed by appointment until December 23rd. 

Join us for fun, inspiring, meaningful moments! 

  • November 27th at 6 pm: Safe Place Conversations with Susan 
    Hallmark advertises the holiday season with warm and fuzzy feelings, surrounded by family and friends. While this can be true, not everyone resonates with this feeling. Come in, grab a coffee, and let’s talk together as a group tomorrow at 6 pm inside of Merry Made Holiday Market

  • December 6th afternoon: Live Music

  • December 4th: Fun event with complimentary fresh baked goodies!

  • Every Friday afternoon in December: Art Therapy Class