A Voice for the Voiceless

Tendayi Mahachi Christian Magazine Author.jpg

I grew up in a Christian home where I heard His name mentioned, however, I did not have a relationship with God until I was seventeen. Before I met Him, there was darkness and fear in my world.  I was voiceless, very timid, hidden, and pretty much a victim to everything. I am an overcomer of child sexual abuse and I struggled with self-confidence, depression, and anxiety. The lies and manipulation suffocated me for many years.

But, God came into the picture. 

He spoke to me through His word and into my spirit that I am His treasure and He loves me. God is my confidence and my strength. He lifts me up when I am low, He speaks when I have no voice, and He cuddles me when I am afraid. He is my everything. I am no longer insecure or depressed. Once He came into my life, He turned everything— including myself— upside down, inside out, and pronounced me His own.

God healed me and that is how I was able to start Authentic Magazine. He told me in prayer that I am a voice for the voiceless. One verse of scripture that kept me going when I was going through my healing was Isaiah 46:4 which says, “I will still be the same when you are old and grey, and I will take care of you. I created you. I will carry you and always keep you safe.”

After God healed me, Proverbs 31:8-9 became my favorite:

“Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves,

for the rights of all who are destitute.

Speak up and judge fairly;

defend the rights of the poor and needy.” 

This became my inspiration for Authentic Magazine, to speak on behalf of the voiceless. Not only do we speak against oppression towards our fellow sisters, we also encourage and build each other up through the Word of God. 

We launched Authentic Magazine in April 2018 as a 30-page online magazine. Initially, I intended Authentic Magazine to be my birthday gift to God and I did not expect it to go further than that— but God had other plans. Three months later we produced Issue 2. In a matter of days after Issue 2 was released, God connected me to Lindi and since then, the authentic team has grown to include members from all over the world including Kenya, Australia, Israel, USA and UK. 

Authentic Magazine is deeply rooted in giving life meaning so our articles focus on transparency and showcasing the grace of God operating in the lives of everyday women. We don’t glamourize Christianity; instead, we reveal the nature of God and how He turns ugly situations into a beautiful masterpiece. God is not a magician, but He does work miracles— slowly but surely, and we are there to showcase that journey. 

Last week we launched Issue 5 and the magazine is going strong! We give God all the glory and honour! The things we have accomplished in less than two years can only be by His Holy Spirit working in us. Authentic Magazine is truly a confirmation of His goodness.

— Tendayi Mahachi 

Founder of Authentic Magazine and Mission Nine 4 Eight

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